[su_row][su_column size=”2/3″] [su_dropcap style=”flat”]M[/su_dropcap]any of our students study English in public schools where teachers don’t always teach pupils how to speak English. The emphasis is often on grammar instead of spoken ability. Sadly, throughout all the examinations of G.C.E school syllabus, the students are only evaluated on reading and writing skills as other subjects.
Best 5 ways to develop your spoken English:
- Listen to native speakers by using audios as much as possible.
- Do practice with your mirror or someone helps to keep your confidence alive.
- Get advice only from non- native fluent speakers of English who have succeeded with the practical use of English.
- Participate to a 100% English medium class with a teacher who generates a positive attitude in you from the very beginning.
- To have casual conversations as often as possible on everyday topics.
Package Includes
- Listening Pack (UK Materials)
- Video Lessons (from Movies, Songs and Narrations)
- Games and activities for motivation.
- Linguistic approach to acquire the language in a shorter time period.
- Discussions on all the day-to-day events and incidents
- Online library access and unlimited materials
[su_spoiler title=”For Juniors (Age 5 – 12)” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”Primary”]We use many listening materials and narrations to make a good input at the beginning. Then by using some active elocution methods and games to generate a proper output for speaking. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”For Teenagers( Age 13 – 17)” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”Primary”]As this is a pursuing age of fantasies, our teachers are extremely sensitive and flexible with those highly active students to make them into fluent speakers in public.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”For Young Adults ( Age 18 – 25)” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”Primary”]Presentation techniques and public speaking skills will be taught on request. All the day to day topics will be covered. Job interviews will be trained under verbal and non-verbal communication methods. What else you need , will be taught …[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”For Professionals (Age 26 – 40)” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle” anchor=”Primary”]E-mailing methods for formal and informal occasions, greetings and social conversations are included. Thanks giving’s, welcome speeches and congratulating can be learnt. All the real life situations are in the syllabus. [/su_spoiler]
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Need More Information About Spoken English Classes?
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